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Buddhist Singing Bowl

We don’t meditate to see heaven.
We meditate to end suffering.

Ajhan Chah


is aiming to create a bridge between traditional lineages and secular insight & mindfulness with a group of collective teachers and practitioners. 

The goal of these diverse teachings is to nourish a deepening sense of our collective belonging and dissolve the delusion of othering. For practitioners to understand that when you are an ocean, a wave would not disarm you from your insight and wisdom.

“All People and things are interdependent. The world has become so small that no nation can solve its problems alone, in isolation from others.

That is why I believe we must all cultivate a sense of responsibility based on love and compassion for each other.”

His Holiness, XIVth Dalai Lama


Zen master, author of Zen related books, researcher, and member of Rinzai Zen in Japan


Tibetologist, Buddhist writer, translator of classical Tibetan literature, and teacher of Tantric Buddhist meditation

bibi rosa

 Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living Instructor

Ceramic Candle Holder
Sukha viragata loke
kamanam samatikkamo
asmimanassa yo vinayo
etam ve paramam sukham.


Freedom from lust is happiness in the world,
the going beyond all sensual desires.
But the crushing out of the conceit "I am" —
this is the highest happiness.

If you would like to join the CIMS team,
write to us!

©2022 by Canadian Insight Meditation Society

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